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Advanced Improv Workshops
1. YOU – Find your own voice, style and aesthetic and embrace it.
On the improv stage we have no sets, no props, now costumes and no scripts. So
we must learn to tune our instrument and strengthen our own, personal comedic
voice. Most training centers preach their style. We encourage you to find you own.
2. Scene Study – The form is there to support great scene work, not make up for it’s absence. This class is the gym. Come, work and improve your ability to consistently improvise dynamic scenes.
3. Forms – A different form every 2 months taught by a master of it. It is a great way to learn new techniques and broaden your understanding of improv.
4. Viewpoints for Improv – Bring attention to physicality, object work and stage picture.
5. Game
6. Character & POV
7. Ensemble Play
8. Story Telling
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